Nicolas Cage is the internet’s ‘one true god!’ To sleep with this Hollywood A-lister is a dream come true for many. But the chances of it happening for real are depressingly slim, aren’t they?
This is why we have Nicolas Cage pillows to compensate. Better a small fish than an empty dish!
This step-by-step tutorial goes out to all those DIY enthusiasts who want to make their own Nicolas Cage pillow from scratch.

Step 1: Mission: Finding Nicolas Cage!
To make your dream Nick Cage pillow, you must find your favorite Cage snapshot first! Thankfully, this man is a legendary meme machine and a legion of one at that! You’ll never be short of ideas because the web is full of them!
There’s Nick in a banana peel and then again as Mona Lisa. There’s Nick gracing memes as Napoleon, and even as Jesus Christ, as Shrek, and even Yoda. Nick rabbits, Nick cats, Nick bats – the possibilities are endless!
The options are so bad, they’re good! So, pick your poison and move on to the next step.
Step 2: Put it in Print Like a Boss
Now that you’ve found the perfect Nicolas Cage meme, it’s time to awaken your inner DIY crafter and put the image in print. You’ll need the following supplies:
- Printer
- Heat transfer paper for fabric
- Scissors
- Clothes iron
- Enough fabric for a pillowcase
- Cotton fabric
Start by printing the image on the transfer paper. Place the cotton fabric on a hard surface and the pillowcase fabric on top of it. Make sure there are no creases.
Now, place the printed paper on top of the pillowcase fabric and press it hard. Heat the iron and run it over the images for 60 seconds. Once it cools, peel off the paper. Lo and behold, Nicolas Cage is now on the fabric!
Step 3: Time for Some Rock-Paper-Scissors!
Not fooling around here. When we say “rock-paper-scissors,” we mean it literally.
Make a note of the size of the pillowcase you’re sewing first. You should make a throw pillow in one of the following sizes 18″ x 18″, 20″ x 20″, 22″ x 22″, or 24″ x 24″.
Now, mark the dimensions on a sheet of paper using a measuring tape, adding at least 2″ to the measurement of the throw pillow you plan to make. Place the paper on top of the pillowcase fabric with Nic Cage at the center.
To prevent the paper from flying away, place a hefty item, such as a rock, on top of it. Now, cut the pillowcase fabric precisely to the required measurements using a pair of sharp scissors.
Repeat the process with another piece of the fabric so you have two pieces of the same measurement – one for the front and the other for the back of the pillow.
Step 4: A Stitch in Time Saves Nine!
Now’s the time to…Stitch! Stitch! Stitch!
Sew the two pieces of cloth together on three sides, leaving one side unstitched. The open end of the pillowcase should have a sturdy zipper sewn on it so that it is ready to be filled. Make sure the seams are evenly and properly stitched because this can make or break your pillow.
Step 5: Fill in, Fill Out, Fill Up!
Patiently and generously stuff the pillowcase with the fill material of your choice. Do not cram all the filling material in one go, as if you are stuffing a turkey for Thanksgiving.
Take your time. Begin with a handful of the material and remove any clump that exists. Spread it evenly on the seams first. Use a stuffing stick to get as far as you can into those hard-to-reach corners and crevices. Work your way towards the center until the pillow is absolutely full and firm.
Here are our recommendations:
- Shredded memory foam
- Microfiber
- Wool
- Cotton
- Kapok
- Buckwheat
- Millet
- Down feathers
- Quilled feathers
- Bits and pieces of old linen
Step 6: Seal the Deal!

It’s time to wrap up! Once the pillowcase has been stuffed, zip it up. Make sure no fill material sticks to it. Presto! Your Nicolas Cage pillow is now ready! Keep it or give it to a dear one.
These pillows make for hilarious, unique gifts and would surely tickle the funny bones of everyone in a game of Dirty Santa.